Amongst the chilly weather brought by the East Wind, today has at least been sunny, and out of the wind pleasantly warm.
Down at Wraysbury Lakes, plenty of Chiffchaffs, presumably mostly recently arrived from Spain or Africa, are now singing. The other migrant warblers have not yet arrived – if they think it’s too cold, who can blame them – so the only other warbler singing is the robust, secretive Cetti’s, calling from across the lake.
Apart from them, a flock of cheerful Jackdaws fluttered about the horse meadow; each mare had a new foal, wobbly on its new legs. A few Goldfinches and Chaffinches sang bravely. A Crack Willow’s buds gleamed silver, the green just starting to show; a solitary Pussy Willow (Sallow) shone golden against the dry brown scrubby area, last year’s dried Teasels still tall and handsome. Some Poplar branches gleam orange-yellow with Common Orange Lichen.