Debrambling and Distributor Heads all in a Day’s Work

Volunteers debrambling the Acid Grassland
Four Volunteers
Quite a haul of rubbish by the fence (and yes, that’s a distributor cap)

Distributor bits, wing mirror, electrical leads, yes, there used to be a garage over the fence. What with old rusty pipes, cigarette lighters, glass milk bottles (remember them?)  and remains of workers’ lunches, it was quite a haul. We dug out some champion brambles and quite a few enormous nettles, too.

I also found some bits of Asbestos roofing, but we left them in situ as there was a Smooth Newt sheltering beneath them. All in all, it’s amazing what people will sling over a fence. We were happy to leave the North bank in a better state than it’s been in for many years.