Shimmer and sparkle: many pairs of ovipositing Azure Damselflies – seven seen here, there were at least fifteen pairs, not to mention …#Large Red Damselfly (there were several pairs)Male Bluetail Damselfly on a reed leaf: there were two males tussling, but no female as yetYellow and Orange ‘escaped’ Goldfish in GT pond. Perhaps people think ‘setting them free’ when moving house will be a good thing, but they devastate native pond lifeNetty with jigsaw cutting out pond minibeasts(24 May 2018) White-Lipped Land Snail(27 May 2018) Flooded GT paths after thunderstorm – I never saw the water table THIS highGT seasonal pond flooded over path, yes, that’s the main path on the right thereGT looking not its best after floods – car parts, bits of fence, railway sleepers, erosion scour, rubbish-filled silt …
The English seem unemotional … except for their passion for nature