Once upon a time, the pigs took over the farm. “All animals are equal“, they said. Then a mystery virus came over the land. “Lock down!” shouted the pigs. “All animals must stay in their barns, sties, sheds, and chicken-coops.” BozJoz and DomCum ostentatiously stayed in the farmhouse, eating bacon butties and baking bread on the nice warm Aga stove, while the other animals shivered in their barns and lodgings. Then DomCum felt like going for a nice walk. He felt a bit sick and feverish but never mind, the rules were just for the other animals. Weasel spotted him and told everybody else. “Oi, that’s not fair!” they mooed, grunted, brayed, clucked, and quacked. “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”, said a source close to DomCum.