Tag Archives: Common Lizard

Marsh Orchids, Downy Emeralds, Beautiful Demoiselles: Yes it’s Thursley Common

Marsh Orchid
Marsh Orchid

It was a cloudless morning, perfect for a walk around Thursley Common to look for dragonflies, other insects, birds, and bog flowers too.

The bog pools were surrounded by Marsh Orchids in lovely purple bloom.

A few lizards, one with a regrowing tail, sunned themselves on the boardwalks.

Masses of Black-Tailed Skimmers chased aggressively about the pools, along with a few blue damselflies and some Black Darters. Some Large Red Damselflies warmed up on the heather, well away from the pools.

Lizard regrowing tail
Lizard regrowing tail

A Curlew called (or is it sang?) its beautiful, melancholic mating cry, flying high, slowly, and holding out its wings in a distinctive curve: something like a small heron, but with its incredible long downcurved bill, and tail feathers spread showily. It’s a rare delight, not least because Thursley is the only place Curlews breed for many miles around.

Stonechats on dead tree
Stonechats on dead tree

Stonechats sang their brief grating song from conspicuous viewpoints all over the common, sometimes in little family groups.

A Tree Pipit gave a fine display of its song flight from a tall tree.

On a lake filled with Yellow Water-Lilies at the edge of the common, gigantic Carp lurked and splashed at the surface, and Downy Emeralds chased, seeming club-tailed.

Downy Emerald
Downy Emerald (I only got this distant reflection)

A Green Tiger Beetle whirred on to the path – a very strange flight jizz,  but easily recognized once close enough.

Green Tiger Beetle
Green Tiger Beetle

Scorpion Fly
Scorpion Fly

Perhaps the most tantalizingly lovely insect of the day, however, was this Beautiful Demoiselle, shining iridescent Lapis Lazuli blue against the delicate pale green of a birch sprig.

Beautiful Demoiselle on Birch
Beautiful Demoiselle on Birch

Dragonfly Day at Thursley Common

Keeled Skimmers - male guarding, female laying
Keeled Skimmers – male guarding, female laying

It was suddenly summer again this morning, so I packed cameras, binoculars and a sandwich and went down to Thursley in glittering sunshine. This photo perhaps catches something of the dazzle and sparkle of the bog pools and their shimmering guardians: a pair of Keeled Skimmers (Orthetrum coerulescens) are flying over the water; she is darting down to lay eggs, he is hovering above, guarding her from other males. Their wings sparkle and flash, and it is amazingly difficult to follow, frame, focus and shoot fast enough to get anything like a decent picture. But I rather like the motion blur in this one, and if it’s not perfectly in focus, you know why. I hope you like it too.

Emerald Damselfly
Emerald Damselfly

I was pleased, too, with this shot of an Emerald Damselfly, the sparkling water behind it forming a pattern of pleasantly out-of-focus circles.

Small Red Damselflies in Wheel
Small Red Damselflies in Wheel

There were quite a few Small Red Damselflies about, mostly single but a few egg-laying pairs; and a modest number of blues, most likely Azures.

Apart from the hundreds of Keeled Skimmers, other dragonflies included Common Darter, Black Darter (I only saw a few females today), Black-Tailed Skimmer (just one), and Southern Hawker.

Large Skipper on Bog-Cotton
Large Skipper on Bog-Cotton

We saw few butterflies apart from Large Skippers which bustled about flowers near the boardwalk, and little Gatekeepers (I do mean they were smaller than usual) … until we arrived on the amazing Parish Meadow that was once a dump for emptying cesspits. Now it has an ecology strikingly unlike the rest of Thursley Common.

Centaury on Parish Meadow
Centaury on Parish Meadow

The meadow was full of Meadow Browns, Graylings (mating), Ringlets, Essex Skippers, a Brimstone, Large and Small Whites, and … a Purple Hairstreak (about the Oak trees). The rabbit-bitten pasture, dotted with little flower-stalks of Centaury,  was thick with Ragwort, which in turn was richly covered with Cantharid beetles, solitary bees, wasps, and hoverflies and other Diptera. We put up a Silver Y moth which obligingly landed in front of us and perched in the open. We found the traces of a Green Woodpecker killed by a Sparrowhawk; but happily saw a live one in the Oaks nearby.

Cantharid Beetles Rhagonycha fulva mating on Ragwort
Cantharid Beetles Rhagonycha fulva mating on Ragwort

Silver Y Moth
Silver Y Moth

Sparrowhawk Kill - this Green Woodpecker's flying days are over
Sparrowhawk Kill – this Green Woodpecker’s flying days are over

The boardwalks were busy with Lizards and Skimmers sunning themselves.

Lizard on boardwalk
Lizard on boardwalk

We met a local group of birders,  complete with masses of tripods, telescopes and cameras, and asked if they were looking at the Stonechats. No, they replied, the Hobbies, there are three. We looked up, and sure enough there were three raptors. But in our binoculars, they turned out to be a Kestrel, a Hobby, and a Red Kite! Perhaps there were some more Hobbies somewhere else.

A little way further, absent the birders, we found a dead tree with some juvenile birds perched about it, and a lot of twittering. Yeah, a typical Chiswick Cafe. Some of them were young Redstarts; the others, young Stonechats: pretty confusing. But the Redstarts flew up into a Pine tree – not a Stonechatty thing to do – and sure enough, there was an adult Redstart on a lower branch, plain to see. And a Stonechat adult rasped out its grating call over to the right.

In a group of tall Oaks, we sat and ate a sandwich; and a Spotted Flycatcher flew across and perched on a high dead branch. It spent five minutes looking about, twisting its neck remarkably, but making no sallies. When I was a boy I saw them in the garden every summer; now they’re really something special, like, er, Starlings and House Sparrows.

Meadow Grasshopper
Meadow Grasshopper

The sandy heath paths were full of little holes dug by Ammophila Sand-Wasps, and others made by Philanthus Bee-Wolves (or Bee-Killer Wasps). Both are called digger wasps (“Sphecidae”) in most books, and it’s certainly a good name, but the family has been split up, so Philanthus is now in the Crabronidae, which contains most of the old “Sphecidae” (we’ll have to say sensu lato for this); the new Sphecidae (sensu stricto) only contains what used to be the Sphecinae, which includes Ammophila. Rich scope for confusion.  Sphex is the ancient Greek word for wasp, and it’s interesting that Linnaeus chose this word for a digger wasp rather than the social wasps, which have the Latin name Vespa for the hornet, and Vespula, little wasp, for common wasps.

Bee-Wolf (Bee-Killer Wasp Philanthus triangulum)
Bee-Wolf (Bee-Killer Wasp Philanthus triangulum)

Bee-Wolf digging burrow. She will catch a bee and use it to provision her nest.
Bee-Wolf carrying a bee into her burrow to provision her nest.

Sand-Wasp Ammophila pubescens
Sand-Wasp Ammophila pubescens. She too digs a burrow which she provisions with a caterpillar or two. The sand is dotted with angular lumps of iron pan.

Out of a low bush of willow and gorse right beside a boardwalk came a strange, quiet but insistent squawky chatter of alarm. Peering in between the branches, a small slim dark bird with a long dark tail could be seen hopping about anxiously: a Dartford Warbler. It was extraordinary to be within a few feet of this shy, rare and retiring bird, and watching it for several minutes. There are actually quite a few on the heaths of Surrey and the south coast, but they’re never easy to see—most of my views have been of disappearing rear ends, diving into gorse bushes.