In Val Sugana
At Calvello, Val di Fiemme
Val di Fiemme
Brown Argus at Redagno
Dolomite landscape at Redagno
Idas Blue at Anterivo
Stone Grasshopper above Anterivo
Alpine meadow and forest, with wood-stacks, above Anterivo. The flower-rich grass is cut annually for hay.
Burnet Moth on Scabious above Anterivo
Scotch Argus at Anterivo
Fir forest, marsh with Birches, meadow, bog pool above Anterivo
Great Green Bush-Cricket above Anterivo
Silver-washed Fritillary on Devilsbit Scabious
Alpine Green Grasshopper, Val di Fiemme
Golden-ringed Dragonfly at Calvello
Well-maintained Alpine meadow at Calvello, with hingeless gate, Hazel bushes, Birch and Fir trees
Lingon or Cowberry at Calvello: far less common than Bilberry in the Dolomites
Chalkhill Blue, male, above Carano, on legume
Vetch and Thyme on limestone beside forest path (with fir-cone), Calvello
Chalkhill Blue, male
Pine Hawk-Moth caterpillar
Large Skipper on alpine pink
Large Pine Weevil at Calvello
Abandoned flowery meadow colonised by Fir trees, Val di Fiemme
Kestrel above Val di Fiemme
Hoverfly, picked out by a sunbeam in the woods
Yellow Iris with pollinating bumblebee
Sawfly Macrophya (Tenthredinidae) on Hogweed
Sawfly Macrophya on Hogweed
Vetch tendrils and flower, using flash
Cuckoo Bee Coelioxys (Megachilinae)
The English seem unemotional … except for their passion for nature