Well, it’s not every day one wheels a robust two-legged bench about a nature reserve. The team of three however managed to think of a way of balancing the bench on a wheelbarrow using a bit of four-by-two to prop up the legs, and thus poised it turned out to be quite easy to trundle along, carefully dodging trees and bushes along the way.
The holes were just the right depth, so all we had to do was drop in the bench, level it, pour in some water and add rapid-setting post concrete. The bit we had left turned out not to be enough, so after struggling in vain with additional pebbles, we propped it up and those with bicycles went round to the hardware store to fetch some more concrete. Second time proved lucky, the ‘crete set like custard without enough milk added, and very soon we were shovelling the spoil into the holes and stamping it down.